This post we go underwater to
崖の上のポニョ (Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea)! Released in 2008, it's vaguely based on Han Christian Andersen's story of 'The Little Mermaid'. Now with this one, it's a bit of a cop out because it's not reaaaally a recipe per se. It's throwing delicious things into a bowl then eating them. So without further ado, I give you Ponyo's Ramen!
And the copy! |
Nomnom noodles |
This one's pretty easy, soft-boil or hard-boil an egg, wait until it's cooled down so you can touch it without burning yourself then shell it. Thinly slice some spring onions/scallions, and get the ham ready. To get a thicker slice than usual, I got mine as a cut-off from the local deli then sliced it to resemble the ham from the movie. Noodles and flavouring into a bowl, then pour over boiling water and cover.for ~3 minutes. Once the noodles have softened and look more noodley, then assemble! That's one half of the egg, two slices of ham and a handful of chopped spring onion. And that's about it really, hope you'll tune in for my next post!
Happy slothing!!
Looks delicious! (。◕‿◕。)